Dec 1, 2017 | Advocacy
The Army Corps of Engineers need to move swiftly to find and implement a solution to stopping Asian carp. We can’t afford to wait.
Sep 25, 2017 | Advocacy
Before you can exercise your right to vote for clean water, you need to be registered to do so! That’s why Milwaukee Riverkeeper is a proud partner and supporter of National Voter Registration Day.
Sep 16, 2015 | Advocacy, Estabrook Dam, News
[View the story “Glendale Public Information Meeting Recap #takeitdown” on...
Jul 23, 2015 | Advocacy, Estabrook Dam, Uncategorized
July 17th, 2015 On July 13, 2015, 114 Glendale residents petitioned the Glendale Common Council for the removal of the Estabrook Dam. The petition comes on the heels of the Milwaukee County board’s approval of a finance package that changed the County’s policy on the...
Jul 11, 2015 | Advocacy, Great Lakes Compact, News, Waukesha Diversion
Milwaukee Riverkeeper is leading a group of environmental non-profits called the Compact Implementation Coalition (CIC) which is working to ensure the proper implementation of the Great Lakes Compact and watch dogging the city of Waukesha’s application for a water...
Jun 25, 2015 | Advocacy, Estabrook Dam, News
June 20, 2015 Milwaukee Riverkeeper has filed a lawsuit against the Milwaukee County Board for violating open meeting law during a Committee on Finance, Personnel and Audit meeting held January 29th, 2015, during which certain county supervisors changed the policy...