December 2017s Business Member Spotlight is Natural Awakenings Magazine!
This is the first year we have the pleasure of partnering with Natural Awakenings Magazine. The resources and tips in the magazine help readers live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle including individuals’ impact on their surrounding environment.
Look for the Milwaukee Riverkeeper advertisement in the December 2017 issue on page 31!
Thanks, Natural Awakenings Magazine, for helping us achieve swimmable, fishable rivers for future generations!
“Water is one of the initial elements responsible for sustaining life on Earth. With our rivers, lakes and oceans under constant threat from water profiteers and big polluters, it’s vital that we stay vigilant and work together to keep clean water accessible for everyone.”
Gabriella Buchnik
Publisher, Natural Awakenings Magazine
Natural Awakenings Magazine
Gabriella Buchnik is the owner/publisher of Natural Awakenings Magazine of Milwaukee, a free monthly publication serving the health-seeking and environmentally conscious communities in South-Eastern Wisconsin. Each month Natural Awakenings publishes cutting edge local, national and global information about complementary and alternative medicine, natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression, and living lighter on the earth. Natural Awakenings magazine helps empower, educate, and support holistic communities while strengthening and growing wellness-focused and green businesses.