April is Earth Month! So we’re highlighting a Business Member that keeps partnering for a cleaner environment at the center of their work – Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District!
Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District joined our Business Member Program this year as a Basin Sponsor in advance of our 22nd Annual Spring River Cleanup on April 22nd.
Support from Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District allows us to provide cleanup supplies, like gloves and trash bags, to community groups, schools, and volunteer groups all year.
Thanks, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, for helping us make our three rivers swimmable and fishable for future generations!
“We’re on a mission to improve the environment, a lofty goal with big dividends for our rivers and Lake Michigan. It involves managing 740 million gallons of water where it falls. What? Our Fresh Coast 740 program is focused on creating enough green infrastructure in the region to capture, store and treat 740 million gallons of rain or melting snow. We need everyone’s help. It’s not going to be easy. We’re slightly over the 30 million gallon mark now, so you can see we have a long way to go. Think about what you can do at home, work, school or church to add more green infrastructure to the Milwaukee area. Learn more at mmsd.com.”
Kevin Shafer
Executive Director, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District
Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District
Protecting public health and the drinking water supply for millions of people takes the expertise of hundreds of specially skilled and dedicated employees. MMSD is highly regarded nationally as a leader in wastewater treatment, flood management, green infrastructure and much more. A recipient of the U.S. Water Prize and many other awards, the District is most proud of its record of 98.4%, since 1994, for capturing and cleaning wastewater from 28 communities in a 411 square mile area. Many metropolitan areas struggle to capture and clean the national goal of 85% of all the rain and wastewater that enters their sewer systems.